Coronavirus live news: former French president dies of Covid complications; global deaths near 1.5m

Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was 94 and served as France’s leader from 1974 to 1981; Lilly to supply 650,000 more doses of bamlanivimab to US government; Spain caps parties at 10 people

NewsHub reports that New Zealand has confirmed nine new cases, all in managed isolation and quarantine facilities, and four of which are active.

The other five are historical.

The devastation caused by Covid-19 presents an opportunity for countries to rebuild their economies in a way that is environmentally responsible, researchers say.

“The only way you can meet the Paris agreement is by taking advantage of this moment … by combining the recovery from Covid-19 with the response to climate change,” said Dr Nick Watts, the chief sustainability officer for the NHS.

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